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Gin FTW: 10 Perfect Gifts For Your Friend Who Loves Gin – GAFF Interiors

Gin FTW: 10 Perfect Gifts For Your Friend Who Loves Gin

Not that you want to make alcohol your personal brand or anything, but booze-themed gifts for the home are getting more and more popular, and we’re totally on board. Perfect as a housewarming present for anyone who looks forward to a glass – or y’know, the whole bottle – of bubbly or a refreshing gin cocktail, there are some really cool, quirky and inexpensive options on the market these days. Here we round up some GAFF gifts we’d love to be given (most of which are available on notonthehighstreet.com; our fave).

This gin o’clock clock is subtle, minimal, perfectly timeless and not so gimmicky that you’d want rid of it after one week.

gin o'clock clock from james design, notonthehighstreet

They also do a beer o’clock version but gin is just a bit classier isn’t it? Check out James Design on notonthehighstreet.com for more. €42.64

Meanwhile, we all have that one friend (or maybe we ARE that friend) who’d appreciate this mug. Either that or they’ll be really offended. €12.12 

gin mug notonthehighstreet.com

This print makes a fair point… €8.52

spilt milk

For the person who’s all about colour and humour… and gin. €18.27

gin print

We know it’s early but… €19.49

gin gle bells

A kitchen essential, €70.66

gin teapot

Like peas and carrots. €15.22

you complete me gin

Alphabet coasters for the win. €3.65

G&T Coasters

This one’s more expensive, we know, but if you’re looking for a fancy pants wedding gift idea, you can get a personalised gin decanter that isn’t tacky. Yay. €164.47

gin decanter

Lastly, there’s nothing we look forward to more than a refreshing gin from a big fat Spanish style balloon glass. You can get a set of two here (delivered to Ireland too!) for just €17.36. You’re welcome.

gin and tonic goblets


Caroline Foran


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