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9 Subtle Ways To Work Ombre Into Your GAFF – GAFF Interiors

9 Subtle Ways To Work Ombre Into Your GAFF

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ombre curtains
9 Subtle Ways To Work Ombre Into Your GAFF

Ombre curtains

Source: When full blue curtains are too much, a touch of dip-dye works wonders. Via Fresh Home.
pink ombre wall
9 Subtle Ways To Work Ombre Into Your GAFF

Pink to make the boys wink

Source: We love this soft pink ombre wall, via about.com
Ombre paint staircase
9 Subtle Ways To Work Ombre Into Your GAFF

Ombre Stairs

Source: Stairway to heaven, via MessageNote.
ombre clock etsy
9 Subtle Ways To Work Ombre Into Your GAFF

Tick Tock

Source: Never has watching the clock been prettier. This one's from Decomodwalls on Etsy.
Ombre stick on wall paper
9 Subtle Ways To Work Ombre Into Your GAFF

Wall to wall ombre

Source: Bet you wouldn't have guessed this was peel and stick-on ombre wallpaper? Oh Etsy, how we love thee.
ombre couch lampsplus
9 Subtle Ways To Work Ombre Into Your GAFF

Couch vibes

Source: Ombre lounging via Lampsplus.com
ombre wallpaper
9 Subtle Ways To Work Ombre Into Your GAFF

Wallpaper wonder

Source: Wall to wall ombre, we like. Designers Guild 'Saraille' wallpaper in Cobalt.
ombre bedspread
9 Subtle Ways To Work Ombre Into Your GAFF

A bed to stay in all day

Source: Ombre bedspreads. Yasss. Via Dormify.
ombre curtains, ombre table cloth
9 Subtle Ways To Work Ombre Into Your GAFF

Pretty pastels

Source: We love this cheeky touch of pink from Elsamoda.com's Pinterest board.

At Gaff Interiors we don’t like a lot of fuss or frills or headache-inducing patterns but sometimes – dare we say it – we tire ever so slightly of all things grey. Recently, when tasked with sourcing blinds and curtains – which, let’s face it, is pretty yawn – we stumbled upon an idea that’s the perfect midway point between minimalism and colours/patterns: ombre. Yes, we’ve all ombre’d our hair and now it’s time to introduce some ombre into your home. And it’s so easy, so subtle and looks a whole lot more luxurious than it will actually cost you.

Browse through the gallery above for 9 gorgeous ways to incorporate some ombre into your gaff, starting with those normally boring curtains.

Top tip: Choose one way to ombre in one room alone; don’t overdo it, otherwise you’ll be left with somewhat of a trippy feeling.

Pantone's Rose Quartz & Serenity Ombre Wall
Pantone’s Rose Quartz & Serenity Ombre Wall


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