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GAFF Loves: This Interior Pop-Up Shop Celebrates Irish Interiors – GAFF Interiors

GAFF Loves: This Interior Pop-Up Shop Celebrates Irish Interiors

We love us a good interiors pop-up shop, especially when that pop-up celebrates all things Irish-made. Meet The Makers has launched on the third floor of Brown Thomas, and it’s pretty special. Wallets at the ready.

In collaboration with Design Ireland, BTs is featuring 14 Irish brands and makers – everything from ceramics to prints and furniture.

The pop-up shop runs until Sunday, August 20, so don’t say we didn’t warn you. There’ll also be Meet the Maker events happening in store, where you can meet the creative brains behind all of the beautiful pieces. Here are a few of our top picks, below, and keep up to date with the weekly in-store events on the Brown Thomas website, here. Happy shopping GAFFers.

Prints by Me&him&you. 

Blanket from Foxford Woollen Mills. 

Candles by Field Apothecary.

Handcrafted porcelain by Adam Frew.

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