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GAFF Up Skill: 3 Courses That’ll Improve Your Interior Game This Summer – GAFF Interiors

GAFF Up Skill: 3 Courses That’ll Improve Your Interior Game This Summer

At GAFF we are big believers in make and do, so anything that helps us to learn a new skill or understand something we love even better is right up our street. With the long summer days in full swing, we’ve researched three great courses worth taking this summer that will not only be fun but will help up your interiors game, too.

All Things Floral

The bloom boutique that is Appassionata Flowers on Clarendon Street, has launched a new series of casual flower classes. Everything from arranging to knowing your tulips from your peonies will be covered.  The classes will start in August, so keep an eye on their website or Instagram for more details. We adore flowers and greenery in the home, so having a better understanding of how to put together the perfect bouquet is a home-body must.

Learn To Print

We know you are all as obsessed with prints as we are. so how amazing would it be to learn how to make your own? On Mondays in July at Damn Fine Print in Smithfield, they’ll be introducing newbies to the art of silkscreen printing. You’ll learn the history of the art form and gain guided hands-on practice in the process of screenprint making from start to finish. Check out the details here. Given Damn Fine Print’s record, we know this series will be a goodie.

Ceramic Making

One of our favourite Dublin studios, Arran Street East, hosts all kinds of workshops and talks year-round, but their throwing and glazing classes are extra special for us. Learn how to make your very own coffee cups and bowls at their Saturday sessions, for a different way to spend a weekend. Check it all out here.

Keep an eye or our Insta for more summer ideas. don’t follow us yet? Click here and join us on Facebook, too.

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