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Colour Clash: The Sophisticated Way To Style Pink This Season – GAFF Interiors

Colour Clash: The Sophisticated Way To Style Pink This Season

It’s no surprise that we’re big pink fans at GAFF, but truth be told, we’re a little over seeing millennial pink everywhere, complete with complementary pastels and ice cream palettes. We wanted to see more of a sophisticated take on the colour we hold so dear, and then we saw Marks & Spencer’s AW18 collection imagery. If you’re looking for the perfect way to style pink, look no further.


The key this season is to take your pale pink and go against your gut when it comes to other colours. You might think the pink should stand out on its own – or that it has no place whatsoever in the latter half of the year – but it can work so well with a burnt orange or a raspberry or even a red-toned purple. It’s cosy and inviting. Hearing these colour combos, you might think ’90s kids bedroom’ and instantly want to click away, but look at how they’ve styled this living room and this bedroom. The colours you thought should never go together actually do…


Our advice to keep your pink grown up is to balance it with black accessories, of which you’ll find plenty this season in Sostrene Grene. Move over metallics and say hello to this more muted accent. A black framed clock on the wall, black legs on your coffee table, even black cutlery (which you’ll also find in Sostrene Grene).  The black lamp as styled here also works a treat. This keeps things contemporary and adds a chic edge.

If you’re looking for a colour injection that doesn’t scream summer or under 12s, look no further.

Amara cutlery set
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