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Spend An Evening With Us And DFS In Cork And Limerick! – GAFF Interiors

Spend An Evening With Us And DFS In Cork And Limerick!

Team GAFF is hitting the road this month, as we join forces with DFS for two colourful, totally free events.

We are always bleating on about the power of colour in your gaff, and now we’ve joined with DFS for two exclusive workshops on just that. We’ll be talking through the research and psychology behind the colours that enhance our homes, looking at colour and interior trends for the year ahead and talking through the new DFS collections, plus we’ll be on hand to answer any of your interior questions and queries.

Eden sofa from DFS

We are really excited to meet all of you (and enjoy a glass of prosecco), so if you’re interested in popping along, click through and RSVP on Eventbrite here for Limerick and here for Cork, and follow the hashtag, #colourhappiness on social.

We’ll be in DFS Limerick on Tuesday, March 20th, and DFS Cork on Thursday, March 22nd.

See you soon, GAFFers!

Peace chair from the DFS Capsule collection.

*Sponsored Content in collaboration with DFS.

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