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Looking to Buy Your First Home? Introducing Our Brand New GAFF Podcast Series! – GAFF Interiors

Looking to Buy Your First Home? Introducing Our Brand New GAFF Podcast Series!

We’ve always talked about the trials and tribulations of buying your first home here at GAFF, but this year we wanted to take that advice, support, and insight one step further for you. Introducing our brand new GAFF podcast series: The Home Stretch: The Ultimate Guide to Buying Your First Home with GAFF Interiors and Bank of Ireland!

We are so excited to bring you this new 6-part series in partnership with Bank of Ireland (they are the financial gurus, after all) where we dissect and uncover absolutely everything you need to know about the home-buying process.

Anthony Grogan, Valley View Construction

It can be a massively daunting task even figuring out how to begin your mortgage application, so in this series, we’ll take you from meeting your perfect financial advisor (thank you Bank of Ireland’s Shane) to getting your best footing on the property ladder, understanding the potential of your new space, to the legal steps you’ll need to follow in order to seal that all-important deal. Each episode is guided by team GAFF plus an expert, so we can ask all of those difficult questions for you and they can provide their invaluable knowledge.

April & The Bear

It’s not all hard work, though. We of course bring you two episodes packed full of home decor inspiration and advice from Anne Marie Boyhan (WhatSheWears) and Siobhan Lam of April and the Bear. We really want you to finish this series feeling like experts yourselves, excited and equipped to get your own home journey started.

So, what do you need to know? We’ll release one episode a week from January 8, but you can listen to our teaser episode HERE

So go ahead and subscribe HERE to receive instant reminders as soon as a new episode goes live.

Anthony Grogan, Valley View Construction

We can’t wait for you to join us on this journey. Follow us on Instagram for extra tidbits and pics from inside the studio, and please review and rate us on iTunes too!

This series is made in partnership with Bank of Ireland. 

Meet a Bank of Ireland mortgage specialist anytime anywhere. Go to Boi.com/homes

Bank of Ireland Mortgage Bank, trading as Bank of Ireland Mortgages, is regulated by the Central Bank of Ireland.


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