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Kitchen Envy: How To Love Your Kitchen Again – GAFF Interiors

Kitchen Envy: How To Love Your Kitchen Again

New research from The Panelling Centre tells us that 94% of Irish people are jealous of other people’s kitchens. We can blame Instagram – and perhaps you can blame us at GAFF too, for sharing so much beautiful kitchen imagery that it’s almost hard to keep up! – for the fact that we’re constantly inundated with pics of covetable kitchens.

The research:
94% admit to being jealous of a friend or family member’s kitchen
Over 3 in 4 have vowed to revamp their own kitchen after seeing someone else’s kitchen
Over half spend most of their time in the kitchen when at home
80% are unhappy with their current kitchen
3 in 4 say they would sacrifice space in other parts of their home for a larger more spacious kitchen.

According to The Panelling Centre, the top 3 kitchen woes among Irish people are that their units are outdated, that they have a lack of counter space, or that the design and layout is just plain awkward.

With this many of us admitting to being unhappy with our existing kitchens, we’ve got to do something. The key with kitchen inspo – or all decor inspo for that matter – is to take little bits that speak to you and incorporate them into your own space, depending on what works and doesn’t. For example, you may not want to or have the funds for a kitchen redo, but you may find that changing your kitchen stools or updating your kettle and toaster are enough to give your kitchen a lift. You could also suss out repainting your kitchen cabinets – most paint brands offer great wood appropriate options – that requires nothing more than a little DIY. This solves the outdated problem. You could also consider re-tiling the space in between your kitchen cabinets; another relatively fuss-free way to instantly update your kitchen.

Before scrolling Pinterest for images of kitchens that are three times bigger than yours, take things down a notch. If an extension is out of the question, you have to look at the space you have and work with it. Don’t underestimate the transformative powers of the following:

Switch your kitchen window blinds for something more contemporary. Roman blinds work well in kitchens to add depth and texture; keep it neutral or add a simple stripe.


Adding rugs to kitchens sounds counterproductive (unless you’ve got a dog who can nibble the crumbs that fall from the countertops) but they really make a huge difference, especially if you’re hoping to zone the kitchen and separate the dining space from the food prep space.

Floor or counter space may be limited, but adding hanging planters can give a new energy to your kitchen without compromising on space. You just have to be prepared to water them.


When asked what features they would like to have, the top answer was a kitchen island. The solution? Add a movable free-standing island/workspace. You might not have the room for a permanent island, but a slim island on wheels is a brilliant option for when you’re preparing something that requires more surface space, when you’re having parties etc. The beauty of it is you can move it around or store it away if it’s not needed most of the time. IKEA have great options.

The second most popular desire in kitchens was a pull-out larder, followed by an American style fridge-freezer.


Of those questioned, over half are planning to change their kitchen in the next year and 14% have remodelled it in the past two years. Of those 14%, half spent up to €5,000 revamping their kitchen, while 29% spent €5,000 – €10,000 and 21% spent in excess of €10,000.

Researching the perfect kitchen for your home takes time according to The Panelling Centre survey. 1 in 5 spent up to 18 hours in pursuit of the perfect kitchen while 13% say they spent more than 20 hours searching for their dream design.

Pinterest is the number one source for kitchen inspiration among those questioned with 29% admitting to logging on and pinning their favourite designs. 28% say visiting kitchen showrooms is where they get ideas, 23% say interiors magazines are their go-to source for dreamy designs while a fifth (21%) take inspiration from family and friend’s kitchens. Despite being a hub for curated and stylish images, only 11% say Instagram is their top choice for kitchen inspiration.

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