10 Photos
In small living spaces, it can be hard to squish in as much furniture as you’d like to (we almost always overestimate the size of our GAFF when shopping in spacious showrooms where everything looks tiny), and the last thing you want to do is really overcrowd your living room; you’ll throw off the balance entirely. Beyond the statement couch, an armchair might be a push, space wise, but what can really work to add different textures, shapes and a touch if indulgence to your GAFF is pouffes (or footstools or ottomans, call them what you will). Also, compared to another piece of proper furniture, they’ll be a lot less expensive. Not only are they gorgeous to look at, they’re incredibly cosy on a cold winter’s night to curl up with your feet on; woolly socks essential. And best of all, they don’t need a set corner or space in your GAFF to live, they can move around freely and they don’t look weird sitting in the middle of the floor; they’re versatile!
We fell instantly in love with this leather baby from Meadows & Byrne and decided a day’s spent browsing for pouffes was the only call on a pissy, miserable Sunday.

Browse our gallery above for all kinds of wonderful pouffes!
Shop the gallery: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10
Caroline Foran