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GAFF Loves: Sustainable, Irish-Grown Festive Essentials from The Foliage Florist – GAFF Interiors

GAFF Loves: Sustainable, Irish-Grown Festive Essentials from The Foliage Florist

It’s that time again! You know that here at GAFF we are Christmas enthusiasts to say the least. There’s no better time to let loose and allow your GAFF to transform to its most glittering, festive self.

When it comes to investing in real garlands and wreaths, there are a few requirements that need to be met to reach the GAFF seal of approval; it must smell that wonderful Christmas smell, it needs to last throughout the entire festive season and it’s got to be showstopping.

Cue a new Irish company founded by Paper.Rock.Flower‘s Julieanne Walsh, The Foliage Florist is a one-stop Christmas shop for all of your greenery needs.

Choose from various sized hand made wreaths, garlands, and fresh eucalyptus bunches, all of which are made with natural foliage grown in Co Kerry, un-dyed, foam-free, and crafted on reusable metal bases, delivered to your door, anywhere in Ireland, in a stylish recyclable box and packed with a choice of hanging ribbons (the wreaths, that is).

The Foliage Florist collection is now available to pre-order – simply head to the website or Instagram and choose your favorite piece for your own home or for a loved one just in time for Christmas.

Can you tell we’re obsessed? We love these Irish pieces so much we want to give you and a friend the chance to win a wreath and garland each! Head to our Instagram page NOW to find out more!









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