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Valentine’s Day Gifts For Prosecco/Gin Lovers – GAFF Interiors

Valentine’s Day Gifts For Prosecco/Gin Lovers

Valentine’s Day is around the corner, and if you’d rather vomit than be handed a love heart-shaped box of Black Magic, and you prefer your liquids with a certain percentage of alcohol – you’ll love this. The following are a list of fun Valentine’s Day appropriate gifts, whether you’re in a relationship or celebrating what’s now known as ‘Galentine’s Day’, or simply having yourself a prosecco/gin party (which needn’t be February 14th at all).

Our favourite online stores for these kinds of trinkets are IWOOT.com, notonthehighstreet.com and firebox.com – all products below are hyperlinked so you can shop them directly. For similar gifts in real life shops in Ireland – you might find something similar to what’s below in HomeSense kitchenware department, Designist and Urban Outfitters.

Maybe you’ll pick something up for a friend or maybe you’ll send a not-so-subtle hint with a link to this article to your special someone. Happy shopping, and happy love day from GAFF.

£9.95 notonthehighstreet.com – ideal for the person who loves bubbles more than any partner.


Glitter bomb wine glass set €29.29, Firebox, because tumblers work for everything now, even wine.


€45.09 Firebox – it’s really just the bottle that we’d want.


Flamingo bottle opener €10.19 Firebox – because your tools should always be on-trend


crazy cat lady mug €11.29 Firebox – not booze-themed but you can drink whatever you want from this cup, right?


€9 Firebox – they say they’re infused with real Prosecco; they’d better be.


Neon light €78.89 Firebox – more of a permanent fixture in the bar area


gin bunny mug £12.50 notonthehighstreet.com for tea or gin


Prosecco Doormat €14.95 iwoot.com – visitors beware
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