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WIN! A Google Home Speaker/Personal Assistant Device – GAFF Interiors

WIN! A Google Home Speaker/Personal Assistant Device

Want to own your very own Google Home?

Happy Monday GAFF readers. We know, it’s tough returning to work after a weekend of blazing sunshine – and it’s still holding strong for this week – but to soften the blow we have a whopper GAFF giveaway. If you’ve been looking for a deadly speaker that’s so much more than a speaker, but also a personal assistant, then Google Home is for you.

The kind folk at Curry’s PC World is giving away one Google Home device to one lucky GAFF reader.

Get weather, traffic, sports updates and more

Google Home is powered by the Google Assistant that helps you turn your home into a smart home. Using just your voice you can talk to Google to get answers to the questions you want including the latest on the weather, traffic updates, finance, sports news and more. The far-field microphones pick up your voice reliably.

Getting started is as simple as saying “OK Google”.

Enjoy music from streaming services

With a simple voice command, Google Home will play music from streaming services such as Google Play Music, Spotify and more. It’s as simple as literally telling Google Home to play your music. All that’s needed is your voice. No remote controls, no complicated buttons – just enjoy your music through the integrated high excursion speaker, offering Hi-Fi sound quality.

Enjoy radio, podcasts and more, or use even more compatible services when you stream from your Android or iPhone devices using one of over 100 Chromecast-enabled apps.

Manage alarms, timers and get flight information

Google Home can help you with everyday tasks. Ask for the latest flight information, and get it to set alarms, start timers, or add items to your online shopping list.

You can ask what the nearest shop is and follow it up with “What time does it close?” to get all the information you need.

Google Assistant can also help you with things like your commute, schedule and more.

Ask Google to stream videos to your TV

Ask Google Home to stream videos to your TV. With Chromecast you can stream shows from your mobile to your TV. Or ask Google Home to turn up the temperature on your Nest thermostat.

Support for multiple users

Google Home supports multiple users. That means it can give you a personalised experience by differentiating your voice from other people in your home. Just say “OK Google” and enjoy your own unique benefits from Google Home.

The Google Home range is now available at Currys PC World nationwide and online at www.currys.ie

Want it? Get liking, commenting and sharing the love using #GAFFGoogleHome to win!


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