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WATCH: GAFF Tours Episode 3 – Step Inside This Zen Apartment Hideaway – GAFF Interiors

WATCH: GAFF Tours Episode 3 – Step Inside This Zen Apartment Hideaway

We’re delighted to bring you the latest in our GAFF Tours series! We’ve stepped inside some of the most beautiful and GAFF-worthy homes in Ireland over the last two episodes and we’re just getting started.

Let us explain what GAFF Tours with So Simple Sofas is all about.

This summer, GAFF along with the team at DFS, gave six lucky homeowners the opportunity to choose their very own dream sofa from the So Simple range. This new range from DFS has been designed to help you find your perfect sofa in three simple steps – choose your style, choose your size, choose your fabric, and you’re done! We then popped round to see each of our homeowners, not only to see their new sofa in situ but to get a first-hand look inside some of Ireland’s most covetable and cool spaces.

Having explored the homes of both Darran Heaney (@OldVictorianNew) and taking a trip south to County Cork to visit interior designer Cathy O’Donoghue of Flamingo Interior Design’s pad, we’re taking things to a whole new zen place with this latest installment.

Lucy Bloom is a Yoga teacher and is renting an apartment space in South Dublin. She’s created the ultimate minimalist palace. This space’s high-ceilings, artwork, and resident kitty made us want to light a candle and downward dog. We hope you love it.


Lucy chose her couch from the So Simple Tom range, shown in Simply Velvet in Indigo Blue.

The new DFS So Simple Sofa collection allows you to choose your sofa style, size, colour, and material – making you the creator of your perfect couch. We love the collection because it allows all of us to be creative, to easily choose the sofa we need (no more hours spent trolling showrooms), to do it all online in a few easy steps, and have it delivered between 4-6 weeks. Best of all – it’s really affordable. Sofa prices start from €579, depending on your choices.

It’s been a dream project for us here at Team GAFF not only because we love a good snoop around someone’s home, picking up tips and tricks as we go, but it’s also meant we’ve been able to help our featured homeowners reach their sofa dreams.

Stay tuned for more over on @gaffinteriors and follow the hashtag #SoSimpleSofas for more

For a full look at the So Simple Range at DFS go to dfs.ie/content/so-simple

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