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GAFF Advice: What You Need To Know Before Moving GAFF – GAFF Interiors

GAFF Advice: What You Need To Know Before Moving GAFF

Congrats! You’ve been handed the keys to your new GAFF and the move is on. This is where the excitement starts. But before you make all your Pinterest and Instagram goals a reality, you have a monumental task ahead of you. Now is the time for you to bust out the adulting and werk werk werk.

We caught up with Zoë Carol Wong, Mum and Interior obsessive, who has just gone through the motions (baby in tow) for a few need-to-know tips before you up-sticks.

Celebrate and breathe.

“I know this isn’t a real ‘To Do’ but hey, you’re not going to know yourself soon and now is the time to savor the joy. You’ve found your new home after a grueling search and it’s a whole new chapter – HURRAH! Put your feet up, go on a date, eat your weight in snacks or pop open a bottle of bubbly. However you celebrate, do it and do it well because the move is going to keep you busy for a while.”

The Devil is in the details

“Literally. The devil will come out of the details and bite you square in the bum but you can avoid this. Before you say sayonara to your old gaff tackle the necessities. Note the following:”

  • Call your utilities providers. It can take up to 30 days to close or transfer accounts so keep this in mind.
  • Take meter readings on move out day (set a reminder and take a photo with your phone).
  • Changing addresses for all other bills (banks, mobile etc) can take up to 5 working days.
  • Get your new gaffs MPRN to connect your electricity bills for your new abode.
  • Do your research and line up new contacts for GP, dentist, vet, etc for your new ‘hood.

rough-draft-mini-notebook-very-busy-ice-blue_1024x1024_d299f028-e915-46be-b5e4-d87fd05c4ee2_1024x1024Time is of the essence

“Set a timeline if you’re going to be needing tradesmen or any kind of work done in your new abode. You don’t want the kitchen crew to be ready to go with your floor guy scheduled to come 3 weeks later. No dice. Get yo’self a piece of paper/phone and timeline the sh*t out of the renovations plans. Even if it’s simple things like the IKEA delivery and the painter. Who wants paint drips on their new IKEA goodies? No one, that’s who.”

Be the Alpha of the pack

“Cardboard moving boxes don’t come cheap so start hoarding boxes in advance (copier paper boxes, grocery boxes). Newspaper wrap your glass and pack according to room. You’ll thank us later when you can find the right boxes for the right room. For soft furnishings or clothing, use heavy duty bin bags instead. They’re easier to carry and mouldable to your car! Pack heavier items into the smaller boxes to save the heavy lifting. To save stress, take time off work and get someone to mind your small humans. You don’t want them on your mind and a house being packed up is quite the hazard zone.”

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Money, money, money!

“Setting a budget is the least sexy part of making your Pinterest/Instagram goals reality but it’s important. You don’t want to blow all your coin on a mid-century console table and realise you have to buy a 2 inch thick mattress and use your sandwich maker until the foreseeable future. Think about what’s important to you and prioritise where you want the money to be allocated to. You may need to get appliances if they’re not included in your purchase and you’ll be staring down the barrel of around 2K alone. Let this list simmer, look at it every so often because you’ll be surprised how this list will evolve as your pockets get shallower and priorities change.”

Don’t panic, organise

“This might sound like a remedial suggestion but start a “New House Folder”, nothing fancy schmancy, even a manilla envelope will do. Put everything in there, your receipts, business cards from tradesmen, new contracts. and bills. You don’t want to run the risk of not being able to answer an important question from a builder, bank or anyone else for that matter. You’ve got this and this folder is your fountain of knowledge.”


The IKEA trip

“If this is on your agenda, then you need to be prepared. Don’t just rock up willy nilly with an, “I’ll know it when I see it” attitude. Use their online shopping list and list the sh*t out of it. We mean it, put those Kallax units on (and take them off later) and anticipate EVERYTHING that you will put into that trolley. List even utensils and food storage thingys because both you and whoever’s going with you, knows that IKEA will make you part with every last euro you got.”

“Aaaaaaaah and relax… get into that Pin-inspired reading nook of yours and be one with your gaff.”


Thanks so much for your wisdom, Zoe! You can follow her adventures and home renovation on Instagram here.


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