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#GAFFTOURS: Andrea Horan’s Tropical Popical Portobello Bolthole – GAFF Interiors

#GAFFTOURS: Andrea Horan’s Tropical Popical Portobello Bolthole


Welcome to the second video in our new #GAFFTOURS series which, if we do say so ourselves, is a cracker. It’s all too easy to become safe and stale when it comes to our interior choices (we are guilty of overdoing it with the greys ourselves), but one person who, to us, is the very definition of brave when it comes to her interior style is Andrea Horan, founder of Tropical Popical and the HunReal Issues movement.

We’ll let the tour speak for itself, but here are a couple of things which we love about this video. 1 – This is one for all you renters. Andrea’s Portobello house has been manipulated to serve her unique taste and style, without any major structural changes, and she has loads of tips on how you can do the same and 2 – If you’ve ever wondered how to incorporate a vegan unicorn head into your living room or where you might find a set of wicker furniture you’re in luck.

Thanks so much to Agenda, our video aficionados, and to Andrea for letting us invade.

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