At GAFF we believe that dining is not just about the food. It is also about the atmosphere, the colours, lighting and fu…
Apartment Living: Christmas Tree Alternatives For Tiny Spaces
Before you bemoan the existence of Christmas content when it’s not even mid-November, let’s just remind you …
Going Green: The Perfect Plant For Every Living Space
Ok, so many of you reading this will be terrified at the thought of having the responsibility of having to care for an a…
How To Decorate Your Home For A Last Minute Non-Tacky Halloween Party
Starting to feel the chill? Us too. The change in weather doesn’t just mean a change in your wardrobe though, it also me…
#Budget2017: So The Budget is Actually Kind Of A Win For Future Irish Homeowners
Twitter is currently alight with all manner of inner monologues surrounding The Budget for 2017, announced just this aft…
DIY: 5 Life-changing Tips For Upcycling Your Furniture
We all dream of spending our days upcycling furniture while our healthy tasty muffins rise in the oven. In real life, it…
Bed Head: How To Get The Best From Your Bedding
Ah, bed. We spend, on average, one third of our lives in it, so you’d better be sure it’s a cosy, sle…
Velvet Love: 17 Ways To Work Our Favourite Fabric Into Your Home
Velvet interiors are as popular today as Paris Hilton was circa 2004. It’s one surefire way to add a touch of luxu…
GAFF Gawk: 13 Interiors Tips We Learned From Instagram This Week
Ahh, Instagram. For the most part, it’s where we go to brag about our latest haul of designer donuts or scoff at o…
Ask The Expert: 6 Things You To Know Before Buying Mid-Century Furniture
The mid-century furniture trend is huge right now, but before you go 1950s mad, there are a couple of things you need to…